Simone DePainne, age 11

Introduction to the DePainne Series

The DePainne series...fifteen books (and counting!) filled with mystery and adventure. Each book in the series themes a different country—including America, Japan, Germany, France, and others. Written and being written by five young ladies—Dotti Pépine, Philomena Dashjr, Tasmyn Hutchinson, Rita Marosa, and Maria Starr. Illustrated by an amazing artist—J. Anne Marie Halebien. Plots thought up by Philomena Dashjr. And to make things even better, the reader cannot help but pick up a few words of foreign languages while reading these books...we try to mix in basic expressions from whatever language the book characters speak.

Join the Norwegian Resistance with Rolf...rescue Colonel Buerrette with Paul and Linnie...elude the Nazis, rescue your family, and discover a long-missing triplet sister, with Janska and Mon...find your family with Stella...struggle to survive in the icy St. Lawrence river with across Europe with the Frihetsgruppe...READ THE DEPAINNE SERIES!

Courage Sauvage

By Philomena Dashjr as Kathleen Brigid McKenzie; by Philomena Dashjr as Stella Maura McKenzie; by Philomena Dashjr as Kathleen Silvia McKenzie; by Philomena Dashjr as Stella Réalta McKenzie; by Philomena Dashjr as Máire Kristine McKay


Being Edited

Will be Published on Lulu; Estimate is February 2021

Theme Country: Ireland

Why have there always been Stellas and Kathleens in the McKenzie clan? What's the secret?
This story explains why, as well as presenting a rather exciting tale entwined with Vikings, British, and–of course, look at the title–Savagely Courageous Irishmen.

Places: Limerick, Ireland

Theme: Keeping the Faith

Mon Histoire

By Philomena Dashjr as Simone DePainne; Philomena Dashjr as Kristine von Dietrich


Being Written

Will be Published on Lulu; Estimate is August 2021

Theme Country: Austria

Kidnapped as a child, Simone is left at an orphanage in Basel, Austria, and there forms a deep friendship with a certain Kristine Stauffenberg. But this friendship is soon broken up when Simone is 'adopted'...but she can't stay at her new 'home' for long. Simone has to grow up very, very quickly...

Places: Zurich, Switzerland; Mayrhofen, Austria; Basel, Switzerland

Theme: Growing Up

Ma Nouvelle Famille

By Philomena Dashjr as Pauline Buerrette; Tasmyn Hutchinson as Evelyn Buerrette



The front coverBuy through Lulu!

Theme Country: France

Pauline's widowed mother and Evelyn's widower father have just married, and the rest of the family is delighted. But ever since the clean-up after the wedding reception, Pauline and Evelyn are sure that they will never, never be friends, especially after Evelyn ruins Pauline's best dress, and Pauline is suspected of causing Evelyn to get a note sent home on the first day of school. The fact that they have to share a bedroom just makes it worse.
Madame and Monsieur Buerrette start off on their honeymoon; not on the moon eating honey, as Jean suggests, but to Italy. For the first time after the wedding, Pauline and Evelyn have to team up — to rid the family of the hair-style crazed babysitter, Isabelle Smith.
After that, life continues on as usual, with Madame Lorée as babysitter, until their parents rush home with the news that Germany has declared war on France. Pauline's favorite brother Pierre and Evelyn's beloved father go off to war...and meanwhile the Buerrette family can only hope and pray for the best...

Places: Amiens, France

Theme: Friendship

Historical Events: At one point in World War One, Amiens, France, was under German occupation for one week—which gave the two girls the perfect time window to rescue their father.

L'Impératrice d'Irlande

by Philomena Dashjr as Eva Millson; Philomena Dashjr as Florence Barbours


Being Written

Will be Published on Lulu; Estimate is August 2021

Theme Country: Canada

On Wednesday, May 29, 1914, in the St. Lawrence River, two ships collided—the Empress of Ireland, a large ocean liner; and the SS Storstad, a Norwegian coal carrier...
Find out why Rolf Hoft's boat will be named the von Millson!

Places: St. Lawrence River, Canada

Theme: Survival

Historical Events: On May 29, 1914, the Empress of Ireland sank in the St. Lawrence river—in approximately fifteen minutes after her collision.

Ces Jours de Diamant

by Philomena Dashjr as Pauline Buerrette; Dotti Pépine as Evelyn Buerrette; Philomena Dashjr as François DePainne


Being Written

Will be Published on Lulu; Estimate is July 2021

Theme Country: Germany

Pauline and Evelyn are back...and so are the lively twins. François goes to find his father, Monsieur DePainne; Pauline adopts two little childre, Solange and Michel; Evelyn enters the new Dominican convent. Then François returns, and wedding preperations are in the air...

Places: Amiens, France; Liepzig, Germany; Ovre Ardal, Norway

Theme: Finding Vocations


by Philomena Dashjr as Blanche Boulanger; Rita Marosa as Engel Schmidt


Being Edited

May be Published on Lulu; Estimate is -

Theme Country: Portugal


Places: Liepzig, Germany; Magdeburg, Germany

Theme: Standing up for what you know to be right

Mademoiselle Niege

by Philomena Dashjr as Constance Snow Koscuiski; Tasmyn Hutchinson as Eveline DePainne


Being Edited

Will be Published on Lulu; Estimate is February 2021

Theme Country: Poland

On the same day, two fifteen-year-old girls are faced with a family crisis.
Constance Snow Koscuiski, or Snow, as she prefers to be called, emerges from a bomb shelter in Gdania, Poland, only to find the city in ruins, left thus by the Nazi invasion.
Eveline DePainne returns home from school, just in time to tell her father and older brother goodbye before they leave. Their mission? To go safely to France, in order to avoid being forced into service with the Nazi, and then to smuggle the family out of the country. But the Nazis have different ideas...

Places: Gdania, Poland; Liepzig, Germany; Amiens, France; Paris, France; Bern, Switzerland

Theme: Standing up for what you know to be right

Historical Events: Poland was the first country to be invaded by the Nazis in World War Two.


by Philomena Dashjr as Kathleen McKenzie; Maria Starr as Simone DePainne; Philomena Dashjr as Stella McKenzie; Philomena Dashjr as Fiona McKenzie


Being Written

Will be Published on Lulu; Estimate is August 2021

Theme Country: England

On her arrival in Bristol, England, Stella McKenzie finds some other McKenzies: Kathleen, Patrick, and Fiona. Could they possibly be related? She writes to the orphanage in Ireland to check. Meanwhile, World War Two begins, and Patrick heads to the front; Fiona becomes a Red Cross nurse.
Then Stella finds that she has indeed found her long-lost siblings...but around the same time, Fiona and Patrick go missing. Has Stella found her family, only to lose it again?

Places: Bristol, England; Papenburg, Germany; Amiens, France

Theme: Teamwork

Historical Events: After Germany invaded Poland, the United Kingdom entered World War Two.

Trois Amies

by Philomena Dashjr as Chrzescijanska Mary Kanonska; by Philomena Dashjr as Monika Mary Kanonska


Being Revised

Will be Published on Lulu; Estimate is May 2021

Theme Country: Spain

Janska has always been energetic; Mon has always been studious. Janska's problem is that she flares up easily...too easily, in fact, for the Nazi occupation forces to pass her by...And Mon, of course, is resolved to stick with her twin sister, no matter what happens...

Places: Czestochowa, Poland; Bern, Switzerland; Aschaffenburg, Germany

Theme: Perseverance

Historical Events: Poland was the first country to be invaded by the Nazis in World War Two.

Quatre Destins

by Philomena Dashjr as Chrzescijanska Mary Kanonska; by Philomena Dashjr as Monika Mary Kanonska; by Philomena Dashjr as Anieia Otilie Finonski; by Philomena Dashjr as Nadzieja Mary Kanonska


Being Written

Will be Published on Lulu; Estimate is May 2021

Theme Country: Czech

The three friends from Trois Amies are now four, and are maturing quickly, what with the making of history in full progress around them. The inventive Janska imposes upon herself a mission: to release the Baron von Dietrich from Nazi prison, on behalf of his family, two of whom are good friends with her; and to retrieve her Lippizaner from Nazi usage. Her plan for the first?
"All we need to do is find out where the Baron is being kept prisoner. Then we find Katerina's brother whats-his-name—"
"Stephan Weisbechan," her twin sister Monika tells her.
"Stephan Weisbechan, then. We tell him that he had better go there next on his rescue plan, and that he had better hurry up about it, too. Then we go back here and wait. Simple!"

Places: Bern, Switzerland

Theme: Going independent

La Hoft Famille

by Philomena Dashjr as Rolf Hoft; Dotti Pépine as Helga Hoft


Being Edited

Will be Published on Lulu; Estimate is December 2021

Theme Country: Norway

When the Nazi forces arrive in Norway, the three Hoft children, as well as their cousins, are delighted. Finally, they have a chance to be heros, like their parents' friends from the Great War! But soon they realize it's not all fun, under Nazi occupation...

Places: Ovre Ardal, Norway; Bern, Switzerland

Theme: Responsibility

Historical Events: Norway was invaded by Nazi forces in April, 1940.

La Frihetsgruppe

by Dotti Pépine as Margaewtha Mara Henrikson; by Philomena Dashjr as Ida Elida Henrikson; by Philomena Dashjr as Jadwiga Mazoweiko; by Dotti Pépine as Mina Schauflenberg; by Philomena Dashjr as Keiko Danoz; by Dotti Pépine as Emma Smith


Being Written

Will be published on Lulu; Estimate is February 2021

Theme Country: Sweden

The year is April, 1940. It's almost the end of the school year, so the Henriksons head over to visit their cousins, the Hofts, in Ovre Ardal, Norway. Then the Nazis invade, and both fathers leave for the war, along with two older brothers. Eventually, after Viktor goes missing and Rolf Hoft is captured by the Nazis for being part of the Ovre Ardal Resistance, the Hoft family leaves the country, and no one knows where they've gone to...
Marg and Ida rashly decide to find their brother Viktor...sneaking out of the house one night with their friend Stjerne, they make their way to Denmark, where they meet twelve other girls, in turns, from different European and Asian countries...
Join the Frihetsgrupp as they travel across the continent of Europe!

Places: Lillehammer, Norway; Ovre Ardal, Norway; Holjes, Sweden; Syssleback, Sweden

Theme: Teamwork

Historical Events: Norway was invaded by Nazi forces in April, 1940.


by Philomena Dashjr as Constance Snow Koscuiski; Tasmyn Hutchinson as Eveline DePainne


Plot Underway

Will be Published on Lulu; Estimate is February 2022

Theme Country: Switzerland

Monsieur DePainne and Pan. Koscuiski have sent Snow, Eveline, and Jan to Switzerland while they try to go back and rescue the rest of the DePainnes. There, the girls meet Margaret Anne—or so she calls herself...

Places: Bern, Switzerland

Theme: Friends and Family

Historical Events: Many Europeans fled to Switzerland in World War Two, since it was one of the few places not being attacked by Nazi forces.

Ma Nouvelle Maison

by Philomena Dashjr as Lin Kamzawa; Philomena Dashjr as Maxentia Mada


Being Written

Will be Published on Lulu; Estimate is May 2022

Theme Country: Japan

In August, 1945, Lin Kamzawa goes on a sleepover that will change her life.
Left an orphan by the bombing of Hiroshima, in two weeks, Lin is on her way to the United States of America. Thankfully, she's soon noticed by a small group of families who've just arrived on the small ship The Marta Koscuiski...

Places: Hiroshima, Japan; New York, United States of America

Theme: Faith

Historical Events: In August of 1945, the United States of America dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima.


by ? as Constance Snow Koscuiski; ? as Lin Kamzawa; ? as Helga Hoft; ? as Eveline DePainne


Plot Underway

Will be Published on Lulu; Estimate is July 2022

Theme Country: United States of America

The DePainnes, Koscuiski's, Hofts, plus Lin Kamzawa, the latest addition, grow up in the United States...

Places: New York, United States of America

Theme: Courage

Historical Events: After World War Two, many Europeans went to the United States of America.

Header Picture © Philomena Dashjr 2020

DePainne Series © Philomena Dashjr 2020