Nouvel An à Saint-Avold Series: Book One

Saint-Avold...a beautiful little town in France, close to the German borders.

Yvette de la Fléche, whose name signifies Lively Archer of the Arrow, is persuaded by her Scottish friend Gwendolyn Báicéir to enter her name for the Saint-Avold shooting competition which will take place on New Year's Day of 1940. Competitors will be accepted from the nearby French towns and cities, as well as the German municipalities of Saarlouis and Saarbrücken.

Meanwhile, in Saarlouis, the widow Fräu Schmied is taken ill suddenly. It turns out that she has had a heart attack. The children—Emeric, Klas, Elvira, Luella, Maraline, Harvey, Eleanore, Casper, and Adolph—are left orphans. Klas deserts his family in order to join the Gestapo SS, which leaves Emeric and Elvira to try to keep the family together. Then they hear about a shooting competition in Saint-Avold, France. Elvira determines that she will participate, and practices with Emeric, in hopes that she may win one of the prizes, which could greatly help the family out of their current situation.

The day of contest grows nearer, bringing with it Nazi occupation of Saint-Avold. Gwen and Vette are determined to win in order to prove that those French aren't so useless and slow as they are made out to be by the Nazi officials—Emeric and Elvira are determined to win in order to provide for their family. All have a chance. But who will the winners be?

More books to come soon!